Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal:
The school day begins at 8AM. Students arriving after this time are considered tardy and must be signed in at the front office by an adult. The doors to the building open for students at 7:45AM. Students will not be supervised prior to this time, except for those attending YCARE or a before-school sponsored activity. School ends at 3PM.
Dismissal for walkers begins at 2:50 and the car line will begin at 2:55, once all walkers have left campus.
Bike Riders: All bikes should be walked on and off campus and secured at a bike rack with a lock. Bike helmets are required by law.
Bus Riders: Bus riders must follow all bus rules. Per Board Policy #6039, students may not ride any bus other than their assigned one and they may only exit at their assigned stop.
Car Riders: All car riders must be dropped off and picked up in the car line that flows into the parking lot facing Luther. Cars may not park in the teacher parking lot (facing Luther) or in the front visitor lot (facing Dawnhill) to drop off or pick up their student. All cars in the car line must have a car tag, provided by the school. Car drivers may not use cell phones while driving through the car line. All students must exit and enter their vehicles on the sidewalk side of the car line. Cars must be placed in park while students exit and enter the vehicles. School staff will supervise and assist with car line protocol.
Walkers: All walkers must stay on the sidewalk and are to enter the building either through the cafeteria or through the annex. A staff member will be present at each point of entry. During dismissal, walkers will be escorted by a teacher to their designated exits. 2nd and 3rd grade will exit the building using the annex doors facing Dawnhill Road. Kindergarten and 1st grade walkers will exit out the front doors. Kindergarten and 1st grade students will not be dismissed without the presence of an older sibling or an adult. 4th and 5th grade walkers will exit out of their hallway exit door.Walkers and bike riders must cross the street with a crossing guard. Students will not be allowed back on campus once they left for the day.
Release of Students to Appropriate Parties:
Students will only be released to individuals that are identified as the guardians or emergency contacts in PowerSchool. If someone else is checking out your child, we must receive this information from you in writing. IDs are required for anyone to check out a student. As a safety precaution, this cannot be done over the phone. For security reasons, please keep dismissal as consistent as possible.