Title I
Welcome Ellendale Bears!
Welcome to my website! My name is Dr. Sherrie Johnson and I am the Instructional Facilitator for Ellendale Elementary. I hope you find the information on this site helpful as you assist your child with their learning. If you have any questions, please contact me at sjohnson@bartlettschools.org
Title I Documents
Click on the appropriate attached link below for more information.
- Title I Parent Notification Requirements
- Notice of Teacher Certification
- Parents Right to Know
- Ellendale Elementary 24-25 Annual Plan
- Title I Parent Powerpoint
- Ellendale Parent Involvement 23-24
- 24-25 Title I School Compact (English)
- 24-25 Title I School Compact (Spanish)
- 24-25 Ellendale Title I Program Flyer