Ellendale Teacher Appreciation Week

Ellendale Teacher Appreciation Week

Dera Parents,
Ellendale Appreciation Week is May 9th-13th . The PTA is putting a themed week together to show the faculty how much they have meant to us this year. The theme for the day is listed below:

Monday, May 9 – Flower Day/Luncheon Day– (Provided by EES Hospitality & PTA.) Students bring a flower (from the garden, the store, or hand-made) for teachers to enjoy through the week!
If any of you would be interested in taking the class to lunch on Monday, May 9th, please let me know.

Tuesday, May 10 – Snack Day - Students bring a special snack for the teacher. The last weeks of school require a lot of energy, so your teacher would appreciate an edible treat! Some ideas: granola bar, trail mix, bottle of water, popcorn, candy bar.

Wednesday, May 11 – Supply Day - Students bring classroom supplies to the teacher. This is a time of year that teachers run out of supplies, and they appreciate receiving some new items such as packing tape, post-it notes, binder clips, highlighters, stickers, dry erase markers, disinfecting wipes, ziplocs, etc.

Thursday, May 12 – Thank You Day - Each student is encouraged to write a thank-you note to the teacher. These notes are a treasure for teachers!

Friday, May 13 - Class Gift Day - Teacher is presented with class gift.

***Please remember special teachers: i.e. music, art, P.E, library, guidance, etc. ***

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